17 Proven Ways to Get More Followers on Pinterest in 2023 Get More Followers

Ways to Get More Followers on Pinterest
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Pinterest is a powerful platform for businesses and influencers to showcase their products, services, and ideas. With over 450 million active users, it offers immense potential for increasing your online presence.

Proven ways to get more followers on Pinterest

Optimize Your Profile

Create a cohesive, branded profile by using a high-quality profile picture, adding a keyword-rich bio, and including a link to your website.

Verify Your Website

Verifying your website on Pinterest helps build trust with users and increases your visibility in search results.

Create High-Quality, Vertical Pins

Design visually appealing, high-quality pins using vertical images with a 2:3 aspect ratio to optimize for Pinterest’s feed.

Use SEO Strategies

Incorporate relevant keywords in your pin titles, descriptions, and board names to improve visibility in Pinterest’s search results.

Organize Your Boards

Create well-organized boards with relevant and specific themes to make it easy for users to find and follow your content.

Utilize Rich Pins

Rich Pins provide additional information, such as product pricing, recipe ingredients, or article headlines, making your pins more informative and engaging.

Post Consistently

Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your content fresh and relevant, which encourages users to follow your account.

Curate High-Quality Content

Share high-quality content from other users to provide value to your followers and demonstrate your expertise in your niche.

Engage with Other Users

Interact with other Pinterest users by following, liking, commenting, and repinning their content to build relationships and encourage them to follow you.

Cross-Promote on Other Social Media Platforms

Promote your Pinterest account on other social media platforms to tap into your existing audience and encourage them to follow you on Pinterest.

Add Pinterest Follow and Save Buttons to Your Website

Make it easy for website visitors to follow you on Pinterest and save your content by adding Pinterest follow and save buttons to your site.

Collaborate with Influencers and Brands

Partner with influencers and other brands in your niche to co-create content, participate in group boards, or run joint promotions.

Join and Participate in Group Boards

Contribute valuable content to relevant group boards to increase your visibility and attract more followers.

Run Pinterest Contests

Host contests that encourage users to follow your account and interact with your content, such as repinning, commenting, or creating their own boards.

Utilize Pinterest Analytics

Monitor your Pinterest Analytics to identify top-performing content and optimize your strategy based on data-driven insights.

Use Hashtags Wisely

Include relevant hashtags in your pin descriptions to improve discoverability and reach a wider audience.

Experiment with Pinterest Ads

Invest in Pinterest ads to promote your content to a larger, targeted audience and attract more followers.


Getting more followers on Pinterest requires a combination of strategy, consistency, and engagement. By optimizing your profile, creating high-quality content, and interacting with other users, you can build a strong presence on Pinterest and attract more followers in 2023. Continuously analyze your performance and adjust your strategy to stay ahead of trends and maintain steady growth.

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