Hosting is the service of hosting websites so that they are accessible from the Internet. Therefore, WordPress Hosting is a web hosting service specializing in WordPress.
The websites are nothing more than files and folders that must be located on a support to be able to access them. It is very similar to a computer program. This program must be installed on the computer if we want to use it.
Well, a web page must be “installed” (hosted would be the term) on a special computer that we call a server so that anyone can access it from the Internet.
And now that the term appears, a server is a computer optimized to host web pages and serve them to all those users who visit them.
So, Hosting is not the same as a Server although colloquially we talk about the same thing using one term or the other indiscriminately.
Now you will understand if I say that WordPress Hosting is a hosting service that offers specialized WordPress servers.
Having clarified the term, we are going to see above what types of Hostings are available and what are the characteristics of good WordPress Hosting. All this so that you have more clarity on how to choose yours. At the end of the post, I left a list of WordPress Hostings.

We are going to see very quickly the types that exist and which is the most suitable if you are going to create your first website.
Shared Server
It is the most common, the one that 99% of bloggers have and the one that is valid for all projects of medium and small size.
It is a service in which the server where our website will be is not exclusive to us, but rather that machine (computer) is divided into portions and shared with other clients. Thus, on the same server, there are accounts of different clients that share the operating system and certain resources.
Dedicated server
Unlike the shared one, in a dedicated server, we would be alone. That is, there would be a computer exclusively for our project/s.
But be careful, if you hire a dedicated one, let it at least be managed. That is, that all the configuration and maintenance of the server is done by your provider. Unless you know about this matter of course…
VPS or virtual private server
This is something halfway between dedicated and shared. In reality, it is a physical server divided into independent portions that each have its own operating system. In such a way that although the machine is shared, each server is totally independent of the rest.
Characteristics of a good WordPress Hosting
In general, we will start with shared hosting. So I am going to list here those essential points that ours must meet. Only the essentials. You will see that depending on the Hosting company you choose, they will offer you more or fewer extras. But the points listed here must be met by all.
WordPress, as a CMS, works with a database where the information is stored to be able to be consulted when required. So if we are going to set up a web page with WordPress we will need our server to have Databases (BBDD).
In general, any WordPress Hosting has an area to create databases (MySQL Databases) and another to manage them (PhpMyAdmin).
Latest versions of PHP
The WordPress programming language is PHP. And the recommended version of PHP for WordPress today is 7.2. So make sure you choose a WordPress Hosting that offers you this or at least the option to switch to this version of PHP.
WordPress, like any other software, has its vulnerabilities. So choose a WordPress Hosting that complies with anti-hacking and security rules that cover these aspects in addition to the security of the server itself.
But also, if we talk about security, we must also talk about backup copies. Always contract a Hosting that offers you at least one daily backup that can be easily recovered.
An important aspect for users to enjoy their experience on our website and to return is its loading speed.
And this also matters to Google, which, when faced with a specific query and similar content, ranks a fast website better than a slow one.
Never contract slow hosting. Look for one that uses the latest technologies to ensure speed. Now it is important, for example, that you have SSD disks for greater speed in serving the data.
As a computer, a server has a finite capacity. And the Hostings usually offer a limited space depending on which plan you choose. Depending on the size of your project, you will need more or less capacity. But to give you an idea, with a couple of Gigs you have more than enough to start. And if you’re on good WordPress hosting, moving from one plan to another should be automatic.
Data transfer
It is an important aspect because it affects the traffic that can visit your website each month.
Think of this point as your mobile phone data . If you browse a lot and see a lot of videos or photos, your mobile data is used up and there comes a time when you start browsing slower until they are renewed the following month or you contract more.
Well, this is similar. It is not the same that your website has 100 daily visits than 10,000. In this second case, your transfer data will be consumed sooner. So, when choosing the best WordPress Hosting for a website, you must take into account the monthly traffic you expect to receive and whether the server will hold it.
Where are the servers physically? This is also an important aspect of the loading speed of a website. Because serving a Web in Pakistan from a server that is in Australia is slower than doing it if the server is in Asia, for example. Data has to travel further and takes longer to arrive. pure logic.
Contract in each case Hostings with servers in data centers as close to the radius of action of the web page that they are going to host.
Technical service
You need a Hosting that takes care of you, that attends you when you need it and that quickly solves problems that you do not have to know how to solve.
It is very frustrating to depend on others in all cases. But it is that we do not have to know everything to launch our website.
Imagine that they don’t take care of you, they take care of you late or badly… You could have the best website in the world because everything that depends on you is done with excellence. But at the slightest problem on your server, you would be sold.
Always choose a hosting that stands out for its technical service and customer service.
It does not matter if it is by phone, by ticket system or chat. In my case, I recommend that you use tickets for all your queries because that way both the problem and the solution will be written. Over the phone, things can get messy…
Additional features
There are many extras that could be interesting. But I leave you 3 that usually offer the best WordPress Hostings.
WordPress self-installed
Maybe you are just starting out and you don’t know how to install WordPress. Well, yours would be that your Hosting provider had some Autoinstalled WordPress system or WordPress installation with a click.
Free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate
Google is getting more serious with this matter every day. And there will come a time when it is completely mandatory to have our green padlock indicating that our website has an SSL certificate that guarantees security in data transfers.
It is a very interesting extra and some WordPress Hosting providers know it and make it super easy for us.
Free domain registration
Many professional WordPress Hostings are already offering a free year of a domain when contracting one of their plans. This way you will have one more incentive when hiring them. The Hosting of this website (IONOS) is one of them.
Hosting is the foundation of your digital home (your website) and therefore must be solid if we want to build a healthy, scalable and durable website.
Below I leave you a list of the WordPress Hostings of the moment and I recommend only the ones that I use on this page and in my personal projects.
WordPress Hosting List
- Webempresa 25% discoun
- SiteGround Hosting
- Raiola
- Professional Hosting
- Hostinger
- Digital Factory
- CDMon
- Hostal
- one and one
- Arsys
- Raidboxes
- Bluehost
- Dinahosting
- Strat
- Hostnet
- Host Europe
- iPage
- HostGator